Enjoying a backyard Maternity session with a giggly family.
What a night!!
Currently booking into 2025!
Santa Portrait registration starts October 1st 2024.
9:00 AM!
Enjoying a backyard Maternity session with a giggly family.
What a night!!
They are gong to be the BEST big Sisters.
I can’t wait to meet you little one.
TWINZIES are on the way!
Two identical, tiny, healthy baby girls have arrived since these images were taken. I had to keep it a bit of a secret.
I found out about these wonderful additions some time ago. Such a huge honour to be asked to document the growth of this family again.
Heather, you are an absolute SUPERHERO! I know this journey has not been an easy one and you have travelled along with amazing strength, patience and grace.
Big bro Aiden has also been a big help. You too Dad!
And this last photo sums up this happy family. Seriously, such a HAPPY tribe.
I can’t wait to meet Miss Rowan & Miss Kate. Aiden would hardly look my way when we did our first photos together… he is now giving me high fives. People, THAT is why I love what I do, building trust with the little loves. It means so much to me.
Big love you you five!!